Woodrat Cup

Introduction to the Woodrat Cup

This is a fun competition thar runs May through September.  Pilots can fly as many of the five tasks they want and in any order they like.  But there will be 10 bonus points awarded when you fly the task designated for a particular month.  You can fly a task as many times as you want and just keep your best one for scoring. There are multiple classes for scoring. 

There will be multiple classes for scoring. 
Hang Glider

Entry is free.  You just must have a USHPA and RVHPA membership to compete.  Don’t expect any large trophy for winning but hopefully we will have something for the winners to remember their achievement.

Most of the tasks to be flown are from the Applegate Open Sprint races.  They are not too long and except for one task which goes to Donato LZ they stay in the Applegate with goal at either Wells Land or LongSword vineyard.  This makes retrieves easier if the pilots sink out along the route.

Thanks to Shane Swenson for creating the program and Neil McGary for his advice in getting this competition off the ground.

Here is the link to register, or to download waypoints, and tasks

Be sure to review the preflight checklist page prior to flying a task

Questions?  Email me or text me. 

Dan Wells