Hunter LZ rules

Hunter LZ Rules

If landing at the Hunter LZ, please land in the currently designated field which is generally whichever field does not have cows or horses.  Pack up and leave the field as quickly as possible after landing and exit via the gate closest to the parking area (not the gate near the cattle chute). Do not loiter on the ranch or on Bishop Creek Road.

The Hunter family has allowed us to land on their cattle ranch for over 40 years! More than anything else, it is their amazing generosity allowing access to this essential LZ that allows us to fly at Woodrat Mountain.

Please adhere closely  to the following specific rules:

  • Only current RVHPA members are granted permission to use the Hunter LZ
  • Be sure to land only in the currently designated field (which changes from time to time–be sure to have the latest info).
  • Observe all Woodrat flying site rules & USHPA regulations.
  • No smoking & no alcohol on the LZ.
  • No dogs on the LZ.
  • No littering. Please pick up any litter you see.
  • No kiting, practicing, or instruction in the LZ.
  • PG: Please deflate your wing immediately after landing and carry it to the designated fold-up area. HG: Please immediately after landing carry your glider to the designated fold-up area.
  • Enter and exit the LZ at the access gate in the lower NW corner of the main field.
  • Pack up quickly, leave the field, and do not loiter on the Hunter Ranch, parking area, or Bishop Creek Road.
  • Keep all gates closed and latched at ALL times.
  • No vehicles inside any gated area or in the LZ field.
  • Avoid walking by or lingering at the cattle chute between the main field and the feed lot.
  • No acro above or near the LZ.
  • No powered aircraft within earshot of the LZ.
  • “Speed” or “mini” wings are not permitted to use the Hunter LZ due to concerns on their glide ratio relative to a safe glide from launch to the landing area.

Not following the above rules could result in loss of this landing zone.

In the last few years the Hunter LZ has seen unprecedented stress placed on it.  The Hunter LZ is part of a working cattle ranch and we request pilots and guests treat it as such.  When conditions permit pilots are requested to use other landing zones.   LongSword LZ is an option when pilot skill and weather conditions permit landing at this LZ.  So is Wells Land LZ.  If you are unsure about a rule, ask a RVHPA member or instructor for clarification. Also, please help make sure other pilots are aware of and follow these rules.

Bishop Creek Road Parking Area Rules

In an effort to reduce stress on the Hunter Ranch LZ and parking area, pilots often meet at the LongSword Vineyard LZ  set car pools up to launch. The Bishop Creek Road parking area near the Hunter LZ is on private property adjacent to a residence and is located along a road that local residents use frequently. The landowner has asked us to adhere to these rules:

  • Parking permitted for current RVHPA members only.
  • Park “head in” to reduce risk of fire from car exhausts.
  • No smoking & no alcohol.
  • No dogs outside vehicles.
  • No littering. Please pick up any litter you see.
  • No loud music or noise.
  • Do not block driveways or Bishop Creek Road at any time and do not set gear on or stand in the road.
  • Walk on the shoulder of the road when going to/from the Hunter LZ.
  • No overnight parking.

If the Hunter LZ/RVHPA parking area is full, do not park elsewhere along Bishop Creek Road. Instead, use one of these two options: 1)  park in the designated pilot parking area at LongSword Vineyard (3/4 mile west of Ruch), or 2) head toward launch and at the first pullout along the BLM road (approximately 1 mile from Bishop Creek Road Parking area).